Healthy Snack Ideas

Healthy Snack Ideas

April 28, 2023 Off By Jim Hopkins

Do you have mid-day snack cravings that just won’t quit? Are you trying to stick to a healthy diet but often fail because the only snacks on hand are ice cream, potato chips, and other types of junk food? It’s time to overcome your challenges and make snacking a healthy part of your daily food intake.

Forget about ignoring the rumbling in your stomach completely. Instead, you have to learn how to snack smarter. That’s what we’re here to help you with today. So, put down the box of cookies, the cookie dough, and the bag of potato chips and pay close attention to the healthy snack options and ideas that we’ve shared below.

  1. Fruit

This tried-and-true snack staple should be in every home. Why is it such an excellent choice? Most fruit is low in calories, jam packed with healthy nutrients, and it has lots of fiber and essential vitamins.

Some of the healthiest fruit snacks in the world include:

  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Apples
  • Mango
  • Oranges
  • Cranberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Peaches
  • Plums

A market research firm in the UK studied the implications of fruit as a snack. During this study, they found out that the British consider fruit their top snack. It was reported that the individuals that snacked on fruit between meals maintained healthier diets and made better food choices. In fact, fruit delivery in the UK has become a greatly demanded service since the pandemic.

  1. Trail mix

If you’re looking for a super snack that’s loaded with lots of healthy fats, nutrients, and fiber, you should look no further than the dried fruit, seeds, and nuts found in trail mix. This incredible snack is one of the most nutritional ways to satisfy food cravings while on the go or at home.

The ingredients are high in protein, good for your heart, and they’ve even been known to lower blood sugar levels. Even better, the seeds contain lots of vitamins and minerals including magnesium, which will help fuel your body and prevent an afternoon slump.

Did we forget to mention that trail mix is heart-healthy as well? Stick to the mixes that contain natural ingredients and avoid trail mix options loaded with dark chocolate, M&Ms, and other unhealthy ingredients.

  1. Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent snack idea because it’s healthy and it definitely packs a nutritional punch.

How so? For starters, this tasty treat is filled with nutrients. In fact, it contains nutrients that are vital to our survival. It’s loaded with potassium, vitamin B12, vitamin D, protein, and calcium.

Are you struggling with gut health? Yogurt is also filled with live bacteria and healthy probiotics. These come in the form of live bacteria cultures that are truly beneficial to the health of your gut.

Even more exciting: probiotics perform an interesting balancing act by balancing the bacteria within the gut to improve and support immune function and the digestive system.

Other benefits include protein for muscle growth, calcium absorption for strong bones in a healthy body, and it’s a satisfying snack, which makes weight management more than possible.

  1. Popcorn

Now, you might be thinking, “Wait a minute! Popcorn isn’t a healthy snack, right?”

The short answer: it depends on how it’s prepared.

Unfortunately, movie theaters have given popcorn a bad name. At the theater, it’s loaded with oil, butter, and salt, to the point that you can barely taste the popcorn kernels.

At home, eating healthy popcorn is an entirely different story. Instead of loading it up with butter and oil and mountains of salt, you can make healthier versions of this tasty treat instead.

It’s high in fiber, according to the American Heart Association, so it lowers the risks of heart disease while making you feel full. It’s also a low-calorie snack, which makes it a great choice to munch on when you’re feeling peckish. Just add chili lime seasoning, a little cinnamon sugar, or a touch of sea salt to give a great flavor without destroying the health benefits.